Bourbon Chipotle Pumpkin Sauce
serves 4-6
Reàl Culinary Ingredients are perfect for blending, baking, glazing, grilling, and so much more. Each of our syrups contain up to 40% pure fruit puree blended with all-natural cane sugar to create a product that is ideal for countless recipes — including this one! Let’s get started.
0.5 cup Pumpkin Reàl
Makes about 1 cup
4 oz bourbon
1/2 cup Pumpkin Reàl
1 Tablespoon puréed chipotle in adobo
1/2 teaspoon salt
Add bourbon into a saucepot -- flame off. Add all ingredients, mix thoroughly and simmer for 5 minutes.
Serve on grilled pork, chicken, or duck, or on roasted brussels sprouts.

Pumpkin Reàl
Calabaza Reàl contiene puré de calabaza de primera calidad, infusionado con una irresistible mezcla de azúcar de caña, canela, jengibre, nuez moscada y clavos de olor. ¡Es el ingrediente perfecto para una infinidad de cócteles para el otoño y el invierno!