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Banana French Toast

serves 4-6
Banana French Toast
Reàl Culinary Ingredients are perfect for blending, baking, glazing, grilling, and so much more. Each of our syrups contain up to 40% pure fruit puree blended with all-natural cane sugar to create a product that is ideal for countless recipes — including this one! Let’s get started.

1 cup Banana Reàl

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup milk

1 pinch salt

4 large eggs

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup Banana Reàl

2 slices Texas toast

Neutral oil, for frying

1 cup fresh sliced banana 


Whisk together flour to bowl and whisk in the milk, salt, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla, and Banana Reàl. Soak bread slices in mixture until saturated.

Add a little oil to a sauté pan over medium heat. Fry bread slices until golden brown on each side. Serve with sliced banana.

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Banana Reàl

Banana Reàl realza el perfecto balance entre dulzor y cremosidad de una magnífica banana cavendish en su punto. ¡Este verdadero sabor a fruta le hará sentir en el paraiso tropical todo el año!

Banana Reàl

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